Our vision
Faculty is aiming to be an authority in Construction, engineering and architecture fields, offering top-quality studies and conducting first-rate research.
The Faculty offers top-level bachelor’s, integrated, master’s and doctoral studies as well as conducts research in the fields of civil engineering and architecture.
Our vision
Faculty is aiming to be an authority in Construction, engineering and architecture fields, offering top-quality studies and conducting first-rate research.
Our mission
To carry out Civil engineering and architecture studies based on research and innovation on international level. To contribute to achievement of country and region-specific objectives of sustainable environment through scientific and advisory activities, to train highly skilled architects and construction engineers.
Our values
We provide students with knowledge on state-of-the-art technologies in the area of civil engineering, encourage them to seek international experience through participation in mobility programmes and involve companies into study process.
The Faculty employs highly skilled construction engineers and architects, who use their knowledge and skills to contribute both to study and to research processes.
Our study programmes include advanced study methods and innovative technologies: our students undertake joint semester projects, are learning through innovative studio and BIM methods; specialists and researchers from institutions abroad are involved in the study process.
The Faculty’s scientists and researchers are carrying out projects in the fields of technologies and humanities, and are providing R&D services for industries. There are approximately 100 academic and research staff working at the Faculty.
Technological solutions, created by our scientists and services by Research Centre for Building Materials and Construction are open for business and industry partners. The tests of various building materials, products and structures are being undertaken.
In 1922 Department of Civil Engineering was opened in Technical Faculty of the University of Lithuania. Researchers of the Department paid great attention to publishing new textbooks in Lithuanian; the first textbook “Building Materials Technology” by P. Juodelė was published in 1923.
Faculty Of Civil Engineering and Architecture was established in 26 July 1940.
The Faculty is proud of its rich and interesting history, and the people, celebrated figures of art and science. Famous artists – professor A. Žmuidzinavičius, Assoc Prof K. Šimonis. Civil engineering pioneers Professor S. Kolupaila, Professor P. Jodelė and others), who worked here.
Top-quality practitioners and internationally renowned researchers, renowned architects and engineers are teaching and conducting research at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture today.
6th of December, 2024 08:00
KTU Statybos ir architektūros fakultetas
24th of November, 2022
KTU Santaka Valley, K. Baršausko str. 59, Kaunas
20th of September, 2018 06:00 - 21st of September, 2018 13:00
KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Studen...
23rd of November, 2017 07:00 - 24th of November, 2017 13:00
KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Studen...