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Spatial Strategies. By Posad [Han Dijk, NL]


We invite you to the open lecture Spatial Strategies read by Posad urbanist from Netherlands Han Dijk.

Han Dijk is a founding patner at Posad spatial strategies. He lectures urban design at Academie of Bouwkunst in Rotterdam, and is a guest lecturer at the Academie of Amsterdam. Han has worked as a spatial designer in a wide range of design studies projects, is experienced in working in multidisciplinary teams. Han Dijk has explored the future of counties and cities.

Over the past years the urbanist worked on several projects where transition of cities, water, mobility and energy played an important role. For more information about these projects click here

Lecture will be held in English.

April 19 d., 2016 14:30

Architects house (Vilniaus g. 22)

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