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International professors lectures


When: 19th of November 2015

Where: Room 428

Who: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hüseyin CEYLAN, Pamukkale University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Transportation Division,


13:00 –  Introduction to the transportation road network design

15:00 – Signal setting optimization in stochastic equilibrium transportation road networks


When: 19th of November 2015

Where: Room 427

Who:  Asst. Prof. Dr. Mutlu YAŞAR,  Pamukkale University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Division,


13:00 –  Water and Hydropower for Sustainable Development

15:00 – Small Hydropower Plant DeSign 

November 19 d., 2015 11:00

KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Studentų Street 48)

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