The project aims to develop a sustainable method for producing double-layer blocks using alkali activation of wastes and industrial byproducts (WIB). This research is vital for sustainable building practices in civil engineering, creating blocks with enhanced properties and promoting a circular economy by reducing environmental impact.
The outcomes of this research will significantly advance the field of sustainable building materials. The Project will produce new knowledge on the utilization of WIB in AABs, leading to the development of innovative building materials with practical applications. These advancements will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable development.
Project funding:
Research Council of Lithuania, Projects of Postdoctoral fellowships funded by the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania
Project results:
A total of 3 scientific articles will be prepared. The expected publication outputs will be thematically matched to the proposed stages. One original scientific article will be published and included in both Scopus and Web of Science databases (i.e., Case Studies in Construction Materials (Open Access, CiteScore – 5.3, SNIP – 1.94), or journal with similar impact) and two original scientific articles in scientific journals with lower impact factor (e.g., Procedia Engineering, Key Engineering Materials) or in conference proceedings. Articles that will be published in the conference proceedings, will be either presented by oral presentation or in the form of a poster in the particular conference. One popular scientific paper will be published to inform society and professionals. One seminar will be organized for students and professionals.
Period of project implementation: 2024-11-04 - 2026-11-03
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology