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Self-Healing as Preventive Repair of Concrete Structures


Project no.: CA15202

Project description:

In the construction industry sector, concrete crystalline or bacterial additives are used more and more, which allow self-healing of cracks that appear in concrete during its exploitation, but the methodology for testing the properties of such concrete has not yet been fully developed. In the Cost CA15202 project international interlaboratory research on the self-healing of concrete and its efficiency evaluation was carried out. The results of which were published in scientific journals.

Project funding:

EU COST Programme

Project results:

The experimental scientific results obtained with the colleagues of this project on methods for evaluating the efficiency of self-healing concrete were published in 2021 in the scientific journal Materials – “Evaluation of Methodologies for Assessing Self-Healing Performance of Concrete with Mineral Expansive Agents: An Interlaboratory Study”.

Period of project implementation: 2016-09-30 - 2020-09-29

Project partners: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Belgium, Estonia, Israel, Romania, Spain

Algirdas Augonis

2016 - 2020

Building Materials and Structures Research Centre, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture