The main aim and objective of the Action is to CIRCUL’ARTs addresses the need for new typologies of
solutions for circular economies that are interdisciplinary, inclusive and creative. The focus will be on the exchange on theoretical frameworks and empirical material, using creative methodologies developed in informal and international contexts, to stimulate and advance urban sustainability and circularity, to provide recommendations for new methodologies.
Project funding:
EU COST Programme
Project results:
1. Development of new methodology – it is planned to develop an innovative methodology based on a “dynamic ecology of knowledge” that will promote interdisciplinary knowledge creation, sharing and application in practice.
2. Development of recommendations – recommendations will be settled for the development of new methodologies, which will be based on creative methods collected from various disciplines.
3. Dissemination of knowledge – great attention will be paid to the dissemination of results to various groups of society, including academics, policymakers, artists, urban planners and the wider public.
4. Teaching and learning initiatives – seminars will be organized to strengthen interdisciplinary and creative skills among young researchers, artists and innovators.
5. Recommendations for policymakers – in order to ensure the practical applicability of the projects, proposals will be developed for politicians and urban planners on how to implement creative sustainability solutions in cities.
Period of project implementation: 2024-10-18 - 2028-10-17
Project partners: Netherlands, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Albania, Austria, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, United Kingdom